Sabtu, 17 April 2010


The Real You.
花 took the "The Real You." quiz and the result is The Optimist.
You are the sunny side of things; the light that shines brightly in the darkness. You are the eternal hope for those who are in despair. You look for the greater good in everyone and seeing the glass half full. People befriend you because of your good-natured will. You ...keep smiling and often, people smile right back. You don't believe in the dark, you only see the light. You will shine on brightly.

What Country Song Tells Your Story?
花 took the "What Country Song Tells Your Story?" quiz and the result is Love Story - Taylor Swift.
You are completely and utterly in love and can't imagine yourself with anyone else. Your a dreamer, and just want your "happily ever after." To you, life is a fairytale, and you want your love story to fit the description perfectly. You are ussually optomistic and al...ways want the best for everbody, but sometimes you doubt yourself and lose confidence in others.... dont worry your prince will be here soon to sweep you off your feet and make everything ok.

What is your spirit animal?
花 took the "What is your spirit animal?" quiz and the result is Wolf.
Your spirit animal is the wolf. You are the most amazing and powerful of ALL spirit animals. You are incredibly strong, intelligent, and hardworking. You have a few close friends and your boyfriend/girlfriend to rely on in times of crisis. You love your friends and part...ner so much that you would give your life for them. You are the most loyal and dedicated of all the spirit animals, and you are a natural leader, with your unique ability to command with quiet authority. You are very beautiful inside and out and you are the most good looking of all the animals. You love your family. You have the ability to see, hear and smell better then all other spirit animals. You are loved by many. Your ideal habitat would be anywhere with a clear view of the moon.

Which Tarot Card Best Represents You?
花 took the "Which Tarot Card Best Represents You?" quiz and the result is The Wheel of Fortune/Destiny.
The Wheel of Fortune/Destiny as an outcome indicates drastic changes in your life. At this time period in your life you may be going through major positive or negative changes. For example, this card often comes up with positives such as an engagement, marriage, birth ...of a child, or a new move in your career or financial status. In a negative aspect, this card can indicate a divorce, loss of a job or finances, estrangement from family, or even an "empty nest" syndrome as your children grow and go off on their own. Major changes call for major emotional extremes from elation to sadness, but all the changes are a part of life and each change happens for a reason. They strengthen your soul, mind, and awareness of the universe around you. Even out of the negative comes positive, you just sometimes have to look for it. Each change in our lives is a learning experience and due to these changes we grow from each experience and learn from our happiness or our sadness. Change can be scary, but more than not, it works out for the best!

What is the symbol of your personality?
花 took the "What is the symbol of your personality?" quiz and the result is Golden Candle.
You are a rare creature. You are lovely in the inside, though you think you are weird. You keep to yourself privately, although everyone else thinks you shine. They look to you for comfort, and you never speak out of turn. You are the ultimate regality that everyone to be, but to you, it comes naturally. People think you are always bright, but there's a side to you tha tno one don't know how to express it, therefore, you take on art. You are exceptional at writig or painting or something creative. You might not be a professional at it, but you are not average. You are loved by almost everyone, you have good relationships, but if that relationship ends, you are not the type to get along like good friends again. Sometimes, you are also like the moon...always there in the night sky, carefully watching, cautiously guiding, loved, expected, and special.

Which color best suits your personality?
花 took the "Which color best suits your personality?" quiz and the result is You are Pink! .
You are pink! You are a fun loving, bubbly person. You love your friends, you love your family, you love just about everything! You are probably often described as "cute", and you like it that way. You are usually a little superficial, you don't really like to take deeper. You can definately have a bit of a temper, but you get over things quickly too. Your relationships are based on fun and adventure. You are a good mix of white and red - passionate and a little lusty, but with an innocent charm. You may be a little spoiled, but that's okay with you. You are probably pretty secure with who you are. You are energetic, but not overly so (like reds, yellows, and oranges). You don't mind giving in to other people sometimes. You like being in the spotlight, and being recognized for your accomplishments. You love spending time with your friends. In fact, you probably hate being away from them. Being alone is not something you enjoy at all. Your friends know that with you, they will always be loved and havea great time. You, in a nutshell: Cute, bubbly, happy, a bit of a diva, friendly, confident, loving, fun. PINK!

What colour is your energy?
花 took the "What colour is your energy?" quiz and the result is Red.
You are the colour of passion, energy and life! Though there is a connection with love, your instincts make you follow lust and desire before anything else - the term succubus comes to mind! Don’t let that fool you though; when you fall in love, you fall in love hard - ...not that it happens very often. People are often drawn to you, but at the same time there is a heat about you that makes people take a step back - most that take a thoughtless step forward are often burnt with the flames flickering from your tongue! Those that somehow get close to you however are the people that will be by your side for a lifetime, and are truly good for you. It’s likely that the person or people that are closest to you are similar (passionate, magnetic) but not necessarily those who are Red like you. You’re enthusiastic about the things that interest you, but as soon as you’re faced with something you have no thrall for you become unresponsive and moody - you’re not the person to ask for a favour if that favour has nothing in it for you! You’re a generally strong and brave person however, and if a friend was in need you would instantly be at their side to help them. Remember: though people are easily drawn to you, it’s easy to let those that matter slip away in the thrill of finding something new - be careful not to lose someone significant. Positive Qualities: - Passionate; desirable; energetic; courageous; full of life; quick-witted. Negative Qualities: - Arrogant at times; detached view of those around you; often self-centered; cutting tongue.

Are You Visual Kei, Oshare Kei, Decora Or Ganguro??
花 took the "Are You Visual Kei, Oshare Kei, Decora Or Ganguro??" quiz and the result is Visual Kei.
You Wear Lots Of Dark Make Up And Die Your Hair. Dark And Customized Clothes Are Your Thing

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